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On supercritical carbon dioxide extraction

This problem can be particularly annoying when the interrogator's impression is that output depends on the extraction system. This is a nuanced answer that covers multiple components - systems, solvents, plant materials and processes developed to create specific products. All this has a big impact on earnings. The simple answer is that if the extractor is optimized for the material and runs according to the process developed for the material and the desired product, any percentage of the oil in the plant material will be the final yield. One example is terpene-rich products. Operating systems at the supercritical stage (more than 1,100 PSI and less than 87F) will extend operating time and reduce total production, since the process will not pull the components that appear at the supercritical stage. Better answers, however, are more complex. Given the importance of the issue to most buyers, herb extraction equipment manufacturers tend to brag about their systems for higher yields. We've broken down what to look for in the following questions:

Which type of CO2 extraction system is best? When it comes to supercritical co2 extractors, there is a significant difference in the expected yield between the two extractors on the market. Carbon dioxide extractors can be divided into two categories: liquid pumping systems and gas pressurization systems. This means that carbon dioxide is passing through the material and through the liquid phase pump. The liquid pump system has several advantages that the processor should consider. Advantages of liquid pumped CO2 extraction system: energy saving. In a liquid pumping system, the same amount of energy input is used to make the CO2 in the liquid phase more than the gas phase. It greatly reduces the running time. The liquid system is more adjustable in fractionating various compounds such as terpenes and oleoresins. The compounds can be collected separately for a wider range of product choices. The full liquid system is always better.

Why are liquid pumping systems more productive? The gas booster pump system pumps the steam. When a system pumps carbon dioxide vapour (gaseous), carbon dioxide does not enter the liquid or supercritical phase until it actually passes through and flows out of the pump outlet and begins to enter the extraction vessel. This is a critical stage of efficiency, as the pressure gauge may not accurately reflect that the liquid is indeed full of the extraction vessel. If the liquid does not fill the container, complete extraction will not result in proper saturation. The liquid pumping system converts the steam into liquid for a long time before condensing the steam in the condensing tower and accumulator to the pump inlet before reaching the extraction vessel. In the process, the gas is already leading the way in dissolving plant compounds before reaching the pump. As a result, the liquid system is more reliable in achieving consistent high yield and greatly extends the life of the pumping system.

How long does the ideal co2 extraction run? A general rule for supercritical carbon dioxide extraction is that 70-80% of vegetable oil comes out in a specific time range, depending on the equipment used, the plant material extracted, and the temperature and pressure of the extraction. To get the remaining 20-30%, you will have to run the extractor twice. So operators need to ask themselves whether the time is more important or the overall benefit is more important. There are two things that affect this decision that can be interwoven: are you producing for customers who need to fully extract, or are you producing for yourself? If your herbs are very expensive, total yield is more important. If you have enough cheap herbs, 70-80% might be a good stop point, based on the law of diminishing returns. Articles come from the Internet

Carbon dioxide extraction

Carbon dioxide extraction 
